A case study with Fremantle Ports
Strategic planning for digital transformation with Fremantle Ports
Fremantle Ports strives to become a leading maritime gateway globally. Digital transformation is becoming critical to support this vision.
Using Summit Planning, the JourneyOne team were able to rapidly drive understanding of the challenges facing the Ports and develop and establish a comprehensive IT strategic plan, with a strong roadmap for the next 2–3 years.
The team's approach was broken down into three phases, so as to enable an incremental development of the strategy and maximise stakeholder input.
Using the latest in site-based and remote facilitation techniques, we created an inspiring vision of the future of IT. Together, our team and Fremantle Ports mapped out the challenges and established the way forward. The approach united the IT leadership team and set the foundations for subsequent workshops.
With the key challenges defined and a set of objectives drafted, various collaborative sessions explored the organisational capabilities required to achieve the vision. Stakeholders from across IT mapped out what was needed to attain the desired level of maturity.
The team transformed outputs from the IT strategy sessions into engaging and easily articulated visuals, including a strategic roadmap that brought together individual actions into logical, prioritised and costed initiatives.
At the conclusion of the Journey, Fremantle Ports possessed a clear understanding of their IT strategy and what they would need to adopt and invest in. To support the vision, they had a strong, executable strategic roadmap underpinning the ultimate goal of digital transformation.
JourneyOne’s capability-based planning approach was key to the success of this Journey. Encapsulated within our Summit Planning product, this approach took the Port’s high-level goals to an actionable strategy with defined initiatives.